
Hey, it’s me! Misty!

Who’s that girl?

The short story is I’m a portrait photographer in Washington.

The extended edition is:
Well, I’ll at least skip to the part where I got my first “big girl camera”, my DSLR. It was 2013, I was feeling defeated trying to get decent photos of our children with my point and shoot, so for my 28th birthday I asked for, and received, my Canon Rebel T3i. I very quickly realized that a “nice” camera doesn’t equal nice photos and started my journey of learning photography.

Down the rabbit hole.

Once I felt like I had taught myself all I could on my own, I made the choice to enroll in the New York Institute of Photography and received my certificate of graduation in 2018. Six years after my first DSLR, three camera body upgrades, more lens purchases than my husband would like, and “20 seconds of courage”, we opened the doors of 26 Evergreen Photography. I also quickly learned that you are never done learning photography. I constantly continue my education to provide the absolute best photography I can.

These days, I’m dedicated to making time stand still. I’m on a mission to provide thoughtful, remarkable, eternal, and affordable photography for people just like you.

I’m an expert at:

Photographing families and children to make the most perfect art for your home. Visible reminders of the love that lives there.

Capturing couples in love to announce your engagement, celebrate your anniversary, spend a fun date night, or just because the world needs more love!

Showcasing expecting mamas and how stunning they are.

Snapping your sweet snuggly family at home with your new baby so you can hang on to this fleeting, precious time-because what they say is true; time is a thief!

Creating those powerful headshots so you make the best first impression on your social media profile, resume, or business card.

I’m thankful to be invited into the happiest moments of your lives and create tangible memories for you to share with generations to come.

Fun Facts

TV Show I Will Always Watch Reruns Of: Gilmore Girls

Dessert I’m Ordering If It’s On The Menu: Tiramisu

Beverage of Choice: Coffee with Cream and Maple Syrup

Movie I Have Seen Too Many Times To Count: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

What I’m Doing if It’s Not Photography: Reading, Hiking, Homeschooling

Did We Just Become Best Friends?

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